SSRB High Security Road Blocker - Security Solutions GB

Why choose a Security Solutions Road Blocker?

With commercial property crime on the rise and the increased threat of a terrorist attack insurance premiums are going up, the security conscious property owner needs to make a decision on how to best protect and defend their property against security threats. Most security breaches are made on site entrance and exit, 70% of these are vehicle aided attacks. A crash rated road blocker may be the most important investment a property owner will make.

The SS Crash Rated and High Security Road Blocker Range, what you need to know:
  • A crash rated road blocker is capable of bringing a 7.5 ton wagon to a complete stop.
  • The operation speed of a road blocker can be as little as 6 seconds.
  • Road blockers can operated by a number of access control methods.
  • Crash rated road blockers in the UK are tested by Mira and awarded a CPNI rating.
  • The span of a road blocker can be 3000 mm to 5000 mm with either a 500 mm, 800 mm or 1030 mm lift.
  • Installation can be completed in less than 2 days, offering minimum disruption to your business.
Which Road Blocker is right for me?

There are numerous road blockers in our range, each one designed to offer high security protection against hostile vehicle attacks.

SSSB Bison Crash Rated Shallow Mounted Blocker - Security Solutions GB

SSSB – Bison Crash Rated Shallow Mounted Blocker 50mph The Bison Road Blocker has been designed for use in applications where deep excavation is not possible due to modern day utilities or site conditions. Total excavation required is 450 mm; the blocker has a raised height of 1030 mm at a 30 degree angle. The Bison blocker was successfully crash tested at 50 mph and was fully operational following the test. To view the crash test click here.

SSCB Crash Rated Road Blocker - Security Solutions GBSSCB – Crash Rated Road Blocker 30mph Sunk in to the roadway as a complete unit the Crash Rated Road Blocker is a formidable defence method. The SSCB has been successfully developed and tested with the majority of site requirements in mind where vehicle speeds have been mitigated to 30 mph and therefore eliminating the need for more costly 50 mph tested products. To view the 30 mph Road Blocker in action click here.

SSRB High Security Road Blocker - Security Solutions GBSSRB – High Security Road Blocker  A classic and cost effective design, the High Security Road Blocker offers a visual deterrent to potential security attacks. The High Security Road Blocker can work alongside existing and paired equipment.

What to do now? Call Security Solutions to arrange a site survey 0843 290 9250